What Operating System will you be using in 2022?

Microsoft will be releasing Windows 11 later this year. A change in strategy by the company that five years ago claimed Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows.

It made me wonder what OS would we all be using. I decided to ask Twitter to find out.

What Operating System will you be using next year survey result

Three people responded to the survey, not the biggest sample I admit. However, I still wanted to share the results.

Twitter survey results

Two-thirds of those respondents thought that they will be using Windows 11 next year. While the other respondent is planning to stick with Windows 10 next year.

What operating system do I think I will be using next year?

I currently use Microsoft Windows 10 on my desktop PC here are my two main reasons.

  1. I regulairly play computer games and Windows is the dominent platform for gaming.
  2. It is the platform that I have the most experience. I have been using Windows since Windows 3.11

I’m feeling a bit cautious about upgrading from Windows 10 given previous experiences. I have installed Windows 11 on Virtual Box and so far it looks good. I have included a link to my guide on installing Windows 11 on Oracle virtual box. I will share my bad experiences with you.

My first bad experience with upgrading Windows. Was when I upgraded from Windows 98 SE (second edition) to Windows ME (Millenium Edition). It was terribly bug-ridden. It could be an interesting experience at times to get software especially games to work.

I didn’t learn my lesson. A few years later I would decide to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8. It wasn’t as bad an experience as upgrading to Windows ME, but it was still a frustrating operating system to use. The Windows 8 start menu still gives me nightmares.

Though upgrading Windows hasn’t always been a disaster such as when I upgraded my PC from Windows Vista to Windows 7.

I occasionally take a look at Linux. If you are interested in my most recent experience of using Linux you might want to read my experience of setting up my media server.


Do you think I’m right to be considering sticking with Windows 10? Or do you think I should be brave and upgrade to Windows 11? Or would I be better of jumping from Windows to another platform? I would be really interested to know what you think.

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