The Future of Tablets


I have just recently upgraded my tablet and while carrying out my research one of the reviewers on one of the youtube videos I had watched made an interesting comment on the future of tablets. He wondered if tablets had a future as the screen sizes of some mobile phones increases. While at the other end some laptops are getting smaller and have touch screen monitor

What is a tablet?

Before we can consider if the tablet has a future we need to consider what it is and what role it fills. I would define a tablet as being a handheld computer that is similair in size to a book. Making it a portable device that can be used on the move.

Tablet Alternative

In this section we look at the current technology that are potentially threatening the role of the tablet

Smart Phones

A smart phone is a small computer device that can also be used as a mobile phone and can be easily caried by an individual in a pocket.

In 2011 Samsung released the first Galaxy note which was bigger then many complimentry phones of the time. The current Samsung Galaxy Note 20 has a 6.9 inch display and comes with a stylus.


A laptop is a small personal computer that is designed to be portable. Due to the laptop size and design it can’t normally be used by an individual on the move.

Over the last few years a number of manufactures including Microsoft, Dell, and Samsung have developed 2 in 1 laptops. These laptops have touch screens which can normally be detached from the keyboard, or the keyboard is fitted with a hinge. Typical screen sizes are around 13 inches.

My Conclusion

I don’t think mobile phones will replace tablets. The Samsung Note and other Phablets fills a particulair nieche in the market. I considered getting a Samsung Galaxy Note when I bought my last smart phone. In my opinion it was to big for me to use as a phone and to small for me to use as a Tablet.

I had been looking at replacing my tablet for a while and I did consider purchasing a 2 in 1 laptop and I thought the screen was to large for me and I wasn’t sure about folding the keyboard so that you could use the screen as a tablet due to it possiblt being to thick.

As long as tablet screen size stay at around the 10 to 11 inch mark and remain thin it will continue to have a market as many people use them for reading, or to surf the Internet. Those type of users don’t want a screen that is either to big or to small.

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