Setting Up A Linux Environment in Virtual Box


Today I’m going to running through the steps I took to set up a Virtual Linux Environment running Linux Ubuntu. If you haven’t already installed Oracle Virtual Box you can read my guide here.

I downloaded the latest Long-term release of Ubuntu desktop from I did this as the long-term release remains in support for a longer period of time than the standard release. At the time of writing the latest long term release for Ubuntu is 20.04.

Setting Up The Virtual Environment For Linux

  1. Open Virtual Box application and select the New Icon to create an enviroment
VirtualBox Tools Window
  1. Select the name, location, and type of Operating System to be installed. I changed the location of the virtual machine to a specific folder in my D: drive as that is my largest disk, but the default setting will be fine in most cases. As Ubuntu is a Linux distribution select Linux and then Ubuntu from the listed Linux distribution.
Virtual Box initial setup of Virtual Machine
  1. Select the amount of physical memory on your computer to assign to the virtual machine. I went with the recommended size. Click Next to Continue
Virtual Box setting up the ammount of memory available to the Virtual machine
  1. Create the Virtual Hard Dive for the Virtual Machine. Which is a file on your computer which simulates a physical hard drive on the virtual machine. Again I will go with the default setting. Select Create to continue
Virtual Box.  Selecting the type of Virtual Drive for the Virtual Machine
  1. Defining the Virtual File as I’m only currently using Oracle Virtual Box I have gone with the default setting
Virtual Box.  Defining the file type to use for the Virtual File
  1. Dynamic or Fixed Size. I used the Dynamically allocated file size which is the default setting as performance isn’t my biggest consideration. Dynamic files only take up space as required.
VirtualBox.  Is the Virtual Drive file size going to by Dynamic or Fixed
  1. Click on create to create the Virtual Hard Drive
Virtual Box.  Final confirmation of Virtual Setup

Installing Ubuntu On To The Virtual Machine

  1. Select the Ubuntu Virtual Machine and click on Start
Virtual Box.  The Ubuntu Virtual Machine settings
  1. Click on Storage and select Optical Drive
Defining the location of the Ubuntu ISO file to install the Operating System
  1. Click on the Add Icon and slect the ISO you downloaded and then click on choose
VirtualBox.  Destination of the ISO file selected
  1. Select OK to close the storage settings window
Virtual Box.  ISO file now selected
  1. Click Start to run the virtual machine
Virtual Box Ubuntu is ready to run
  1. The Virtual Machine starts running in the new Window and the Linux installer will run. Select Install Ubuntu to install Ubuntu on the Virtual Machine
Ubuntu installation screen running on Virtual Box
  1. Select the appopiate keyboard for your country before selecting continue
Ubuntu select keyboard layout
  1. Updates and other software I have gone with the default settings and then clicked continue
Ubuntu installation type
  1. As I’m installing Ubuntu on a virtual machine I’ve selected Erase disk and install Ubuntu and click Install Now
Ubuntu default partition setup
  1. Ubuntu advices you of the changes that will be made. Click continue
Ubuntu partition confirmation
  1. Select your location and click Continue
Ubuntu location set up
  1. Set up your user account and click continue
Ubuntu user setup
  1. Click on restart to restart the virtual machine to complete the installation
Ubuntu installation completed


During the Linux setup process, I encountered errors due to hardware virtualisation being turned off in the Bios. So I had to restart the computer to access my Bios to turn on the virtualisation

Now that I have Linux installed on my Virtual Box I need to think about what areas of Linux I want to explore. Please feel free to add any suggestions on what I should explore in the comments below.

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