This summer, I decided to update my Samsung Galaxy S21 and replace it with the Samsung Galaxy S24 mobile phone. This review will be based on my experiences using it as my one and only phone over the last few months.
Why I decided to buy a Samsung Galaxy S24 mobile phone?
I have owned a Samsung Galaxy for years. I bought a Samsung Galaxy S3 many years ago, and since then, I have owned the Samsung Galaxy S6, S10, and S21. They have all been well-designed phones. In fact, I didn’t really feel a need to replace my Samsung Galaxy S21, as it was still working well.
In the end, I decided to upgrade as the Samsung Galaxy S24 was available at a reasonable price, and I wanted to upgrade it before I felt the need to replace it. The Samsung Galaxy 21 is now being used by my Mum, who is very happy with it.
I decided to go for the standard Samsung Galaxy S24 mobile phone as I wanted one that I could easily carry around in my jeans pocket.
I also don’t see the point of big-screen mobile devices, which we seem to be moving towards. I have a 27-inch QHD monitor connected to my PC and a 4K television. An extra inch of screen on my mobile phone isn’t really going to make much of a difference.

My experiences using the Samsung Galaxy S24 mobile phone
Firstly, setup was easy with both Samsung and Google, making it easy for me to move my applications and settings from my previous phone to the new one.
The image on the screen looked really Sharp when compared to my previous phone. It also seemed more responsive.
Samsung has really tried to push the phone’s Artificial Intelligence ability. After all, AI is the new cool kid on the block. However, it’s not something I use that much. One thing that did strike me was that I received a message from a friend who had invited me out for a drink, and as I responded to confirm, I had the option to add an event to my Google calendar. Very useful.
I use my phone as a portable media player, streaming music via Tidal or listening to the odd podcast by Snipd over Bluetooth, which works well. I also use the iFi mobile DAC when at home and listening to music. Both ways work well.
Last but not least, the Call quality seems to be pretty good.
I’m delighted with my new phone and know it will meet my mobile needs for years to come.