Notion database filters

Today I will be explaining the general concept of a filter and how you can filter a Notion database.

A filter allows you to reduce the amount of data visible to you. The data which is displayed has matched specific criteria set by the user. In the next section, I will be using my current task list as an example of setting up a filter and showing how useful filters can be.

Setting up a filter in Notion

I have removed the filter from my personal task list. I will set the filter up again and will walk you through the process in this section.

Notion data table before filter applied

As you can see, one of the attributes I can set on my tasks database is status. The tasks database currently has 301 records visible, including tasks marked as completed.

I don’t need to worry about the tasks I have completed and would like to remove all completed tasks from my view of the table.

So I clicked on the filter option, and from the attributes displayed, I then clicked on status. I changed the rule from status to status is not before selecting the value completed.

Setting a Notion filter on my task list status attribute

The filter rule of status not completed will filter out from the table view any tasks marked as completed.

My Notion tasklist after a filter was applied


It is possible to combine filters relating to different attributes within a Notion database following the same process I used in the previous section.

You might also be interested in reading our guide to Notion database views.

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