Microsoft To-Do Review 2022

Today I’m reviewing Microsoft To-Do, a simple task management application which may well be the task management application you are looking for. If you want a lightweight, easy-to-use task manager. Microsoft To-Do deserves to be in the discussion.


Microsoft To-Do is free and comes with Microsoft Windows 10 and later releases. Microsoft To-Do is also available for free on Android

Microsoft 365 compatible

unsurprisingly works with Microsoft office applications. Depending on your Microsoft 365 subscription, it can sync with Outlook, Planner and Teams.

But you don’t need a Microsoft 365 subscription to consider using Microsoft To-Do as your daily task list.

Microsoft To-Do my day view.

Daily task list

Each morning when you start the day, you can open the My day page, which will likely be blank click on the light bulb, and you can add the tasks you want to do today to that list.

As you select the tasks, it will populate your day with the tasks you plan to do that day, allowing you to ignore the other tasks on your list.

The next morning rather you completed the previous tasks or not, you start with a clean slate allowing you to define the most important task for that day.

User interface & Experience

Microsoft To-Do has a very clean, modern user interface. It is designed to manage simple task lists and allow you to work from your tasks in one place.

When you complete a task, a satisfying sound is played to emphasise that you have achieved one of the tasks you had set for the day.

Microsoft To-Do
  • Daily task manager
  • Managing of multiple lists


Microsoft To-Do is worth considering if you are looking for a simple task manager application.

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