In capitalism Lab, manufacturing takes raw or semi-product and makes a new product or semi-product. Retail companies can then sell these products to their customers. This guide will explain what manufacturing is and guide you through the process of building a factory.
What is manufacturing in Capitalism Lab
Manufacturing in Capitalism Lab takes place in the factory. The factory either produces goods that can be sold to customers via a retail premise or a semi-product which is an item that is required to manufacture something else. For example, silicon chips are a semi-product made in a factory from Silicon and can then be used in another factory to make computers.
The in game manufacturing guide
You can access the Capitalism Lab manufacturing guide via the stock exchange menu. It is an in-game encyclopedia that provides information on what you need to manufacture an item within a game. At the time of writing, the manufacturing guide will advise if the goods you need are available for purchase. If other companies are producing and selling an item, the game will show you the market share of each corporation involved.

How to build a factory
Building a factory is a three-step process.
- Open the building tool
- Select the type of factory to build
- Click on the facture you have built and select what item you want to manufacture
Manufacturing Software
To manufacture software, you will need to purchase and enable the Digital Age DLC. To the right of the manufactured item, you will see an icon containing what looks like a DVD and computer screen. You can then select the software that the factory will produce physical media for.

I would recommend that you read our Capitalism Lab retail guide as in my experience of playing the game, you will want your corporation to sell any goods it makes.