How I Have My Plex Media Server Schedule Tasks Setup

The Plex schedule setup controls the maintenance on your Plex media server. When I started writing this article, I noticed that all settings were turned on by default. This article will explain why I have my server set up.

How To Manage The Time The Plex Schedule Will Run

You want to ensure that the schedule is timed to run at a time when it is likely to be operating under a light load and is switched on. I have my Plex server set the start maintenance at 09:00 and finish at 17:00. On most days, I will be working between those times. If I’m going to be using Plex, it will be to listen to music on Plexamp.

Plex Database Settings

Plex maintains a database containing data on your media, such as a ViewState. I back up the database on my plex server as there is always a risk that data could become corrupt even if that risk is only minimal.

I have optimised the database turned on as I want to keep it optimised to ensure it runs as efficiently as possible. Especially as I do at times use my Plex setup as a PVR (Personal Video Recorder), meaning that media details are being added and removed constantly from the database.

Screen shot of my scheduled tasks on Plex

Mangement of media Libaries

The update all media files checks the library from time to time to see if new media has been added. Plex has this functionality turned off by default. I have it switched on for a couple of reasons.

Firstly I use Plex as a PVR (Personal Video Recorder). I want to ensure the Library is kept up to date as the programs I record are added and removed from my Plex library.

Secondly, if I add any new media to plex, it will appear in the Library even if I forget to do a manual refresh.

Upgrade media analysis during maintenance, analyse the media file and ensure it is optimised for playback on the multiple devices Plex supports, which Improves performance when the media is played even though all processing of the file is done during playback. I have it turned on as I want the best performance I can have while I watch or listen to my media.

Perform extensive analysis during maintenance analyses of the bitrate for the media. According to Plex, the required bit rate for a movie will change over time. For example, an action scene in a film where many changes happen between frames will have a higher bit rate than a more sedate part of the same film. You can see this for yourself if you monitor the Plex dashboard view during playback.

Management of Audio Media

Refresh music library media data will update the media bands with recent updates for a specific artist, such as upcoming tour dates making the experience of opening the artist page on Plex or Plexamp similar to accessing an artist page on an online streaming service such as Spotify. As I regularly listen to my music connection, I have this turned on.

Perform refresh Program guide data

If you are using Plex to watch free over-the-air television such as Freeview in the UK, or you are using Plex as PVR (Personal Video Recorder you want to have your tv guide refreshing automatically in the background. So ensure the automatic schedule perform refresh program guide update is switched on.


The last couple of options relating to library management is specific to photos, which is why I think I need to separate them.

After reading Plex’s notes on analysing tags and photos, I have turned off my photo settings, functionality only available to users with a Plex pass. A photo thumbnail is taken and uploaded to a trusted partner of Plex, who analyse the photos to add tags to the photo. I don’t like this, but of course, this is a personal choice for each of us.


I hope you found how I have my Plex server setup useful. Can I recommend my thoughts on Plex’s new discover functionality?

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