Guide to Notion columns

Today I’m writing a guide on Notion columns. I must confess that I wouldn’t have thought about making this guide if Notion hadn’t updated the use of columns within the application.

How to add a column in Notion

You can add a column via the Notion command menu, which the / character can access; once it has appeared, you can filter the menu if you continue to type, so /col will reduce the menu to commands related to columns.

Accessing the column blocks via the Notion command menu

Notion offers support for between two and five columns, and it is even possible to nest columns within columns. However, I’m not sure why you would want to do so due to how small those columns will be, even on a high-resolution screen.

Edit columns

By default, the size of the column width is an equal share of the page width. So two columns have 50% of the page width each. While with five columns, each column would have 20% of the page width. It is possible to edit the width by dragging the column separator line.

While exploring columns in Notion, I could not find a way to delete columns, which does appear to be an oversight in the current column system.


Today I have gone through how you can create columns in Notion and how you can edit the column width.

Columns are one of the weakest areas in Notion, and while the new system is an improvement. It still isn’t as user-friendly as it should be. For example, I couldn’t find a way to delete columns.

Can I suggest that you read our guide to Notion blocks?

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