Embedding one Obsidian note inside another Obsidian note

In this guide, you will learn how to embed one Obsidian note or sections of another note inside another note in Obsidian. There are times when you will find this functionality to be really useful.

What is an embedded note in Obsidian

An embedded note in Obsidian is another note or part of a note which is contained inside another Obsidian note. This could be useful if you want to show a note or section of a note inside another. At the same time, keeping the notes separate and atomic.

How to embed another note inside an Obsidian note

The syntax to embed a note in Obsidian is an exclamation mark(!) followed by the markdown link syntax of two square brackets note name and then closed with two square brackets.

Obsidian note embedded within another Obsidian note

Embed titled sections of one note inside another

It is more likely that you would want to embed a single section of one note inside another note than the whole note.

Before adding the link, start with an exclamation mark and then two square brackets case note, then add the hash(#) then the title of the section you want to add.

Embedded section of one Obsidian note inside another Obsidian note

Embedding a paragraph from one Obsidian note to another

Obsidian can go even further than this. You can embed a single paragraph inside another Obsidian note. One example would be to include a quote from one note inside another.

As before, exclamation market followed by double square brackets, then the note title, then the Caret^, and select the paragraph you want to embed from the list.

Obsidian creates a reference number to link the note. It is a specific Obsidian function, so unlikely to work correctly if exported to another markdown-compatible application.


You should now be able to embed Obsidian notes or sections of Obsidian notes inside another Obsidian note.

I also recommend our related guide to embedding media inside Obsidian.

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