I’m reviewing the PC version of Cyberpunk 2077, which I purchased, and no one has paid me to write this review. I reviewed the game on my current PC with the following specification.
- AMD Rysen 7 3800X
- 32 GB of Ram
- Nvida Geforce RTX 2070 Super
- on a 27 inch monitor with 2560 X 1440
I haven’t yet completed the game, but according to Steam, I have played the game for just over 44 hours at the time of writing.

Game Play
At the start of the game, you select your character sex and appearance. You then select the character back story. The game has three starts depending on which back story you selected. I chose the Nomad back story to start my game. The back story introduction acts as the game tutorial.
You can complete the game in 20 hours if you rush through the main stories, but why would you want to do that as the side missions enable you to explore and discover Night City.
The game is played in a first-person perspective apart from the driving segments of the game, which can be played in either first or third-person perspective.
Due to the first-person perspective, the combat feels like an FPS (First Person Shooter), but headshots don’t work as expected as your victim may survive the first shot, especially in the early game. The reason for this is that Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG (Role Playing Game), and someone will die until you have removed all their hitpoints.
An essential part of any story-driven game is the quality of the actual story being told. So far, I have been impressed with both the main plot and some of the sidequest storylines. The quality of the voice acting has been excellent. I have started to develop a bond with my character V and his friends.
I have kept the game recommended suggestions for my graphics, and I have consistently been getting around 45 frames per second which I have found perfectly playable.
Games should be saved regularly as I have on occasions experienced a few minor issues, but a quick reload have resolved these issues. I have to encounter anything that is a game-breaker yet.

While I have experienced issues during gameplay, none of what I have personally encountered have broken the game. Regular patches containing fixes appear to have been realised, which is a good sign that the developers are looking to fix bugs.
I would recommend Cyberpunk to anyone who enjoys a good RPG with a strong storyline.