CTNET Weekly Round Up Edition #1

Each week we round up the latest technology, computing and gaming news.

In today edition we highlight the world wide shortage of semiconductors, upcoming changes to Excel, and last but not least the changes to Barbarians in Civilisation 6.

Semiconductor Shortage

Our first story is the on going shortage of semiconductors which has already impacted car supply here is a link to the original story on Bloomberg.

The Bloomberg article pinpoints that the semiconductor shortage which is currently the motor industry will spread to the mobile phone and games console sectors of the economy. I would argue that any extended shortages of semiconductors are likely to impact the entire industry sector.

Why don’t we take a look around where you are reading this story and count the items containing semiconductors. The first item will be the device you are reading this story on. Can you see any device that can be connected to the Internet such as your television or smart device?

At the time of writing this article, there are at least nine devices in my room which will contain a semiconductor. from my computer to my keyboard.

Changes to Microsoft Excel Formulas

Our next story was an announcement by Microsoft regarding changes to the formula language within Excel. The changes announced by Microsoft will allow the Excel formula to access dynamic arrays and the creation of functions. The announcement can be read on the Microsoft Research blog.

Both Dynamic arrays and functions are normally found in high-level programming languages such as Java or C, not within a Spreadsheet formula at least until now. The new formula language LAMBDA is now available to Office insiders in the Beta ring.

Microsoft Office 2021 Announced

Microsoft news seems to be like buses you find one and another one comes along. The company has announced it will be releasing Office 2021 later this year. You can read the full story at Tech Radar

Microsoft have also confirmed that Office 365 continues to be the main focus. As they continue to move to a subscription model.

Civilization 6 Changing Barbarians

Our last new story is game related. Firaxis have anounced major changes to Barbarians in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

The first Civilization game I ever played was the original game on my Commodore Amiga. For as long as I can remember Barbarian camps had to be destroyed before they became a threat to the development of your Civilization.

Next week a free update to Civilization will be released. In the new release, Barbarian encampments will develop until they become a city-state. You as a player will have a number of new interactions available.

As well as the changes to Barbarians you will be able to select which leaders or Civilizations you want or don’t want to be in a new game. Increasing player control.

I for one am looking forward to starting a new game of Civilization next week to explore these changes to Civilization VI. I will look to write a new blog on my experience within the next few weeks.

The End

Well that is it for our first edition of the CTNET weekly round up. Please post your thoughts or suggestions on how we can improve the weekly round up in the comments below.

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