CTNET March 2024

In this blog post, I’m going to review some of the articles and guides we published in March that you might have missed. CTNET aims to make technology easier to use by creating and distributing guides.

Our first guide of the month was the essential guide for managing fleeting notes for productivity and knowledge management. The guide is more of a celebration of the often-overlooked fleeting note. It is so overlooked that not all Knowledge Management System frameworks even give it a name, which is a shame as the fleeting note is the starting point of knowledge or action.

Our second guide of the month was an Introductory guide to using Logseq as an Outliner. In the guide, we explain what an Outliner is and how Logseq is a Personal Knowledge Management application and an Outliner.

In our third post of the month, we explored Using Artificial intelligence in a Personal Knowledge Management System, a question that came to me during the last year. I’m not sure I have a definitive answer, but I shared my current thoughts and strategy.

Our final guide of the Month was a guide on exporting notes from Obsidian to Logseq.

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