CTNET April 2024 Review

In this blog post, I’ll review some of the articles and guides we published in April that you might have missed. CTNET aims to make technology easier to use by creating and distributing guides.

Our first guide attempted to define a Personal Knowledge Management system. I later realized that I use the term regularly in other content I have written.

The second guide compared Logseq with Tana. Both applications have similarities. For a start, both applications are Outliners. You can learn more about Outliners in our guide what is an Outliner?

Our third post of the month was a review of the Snipd podcast application, an easy way to capture notes from podcasts on the move or when you are too busy to take notes.

Our fourth blog post is about the Obsidian community plugin Smart Connections, which I started using in December 2023. It has had a positive impact on my use of Obsidian, especially helping me outline some of the content I write.

Our last guide for April was on how to create a Zettelkasten in the Tana note-taking and Personal Knowledge Management application. Using a real note from my own system, I took you through the process of creating a literature and permanent note on Tana.

Thank you for reading our content and guides I really do appreciate it. You can follow us on Mastodon at @CTNET@techhub.social or Twitter at @CTNET12.

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