Creating a Literature note template in Logseq

In this guide, I will take you through the process of creating a literature note template in Logseq and the benefits of having templates such as the literature template.

Why you should create a Literature template in Logseq

There are several reasons you look to create any templates, and they also apply to literature note templates.

  1. Consistency. It helps you to ensure you capture the same information every time.
  2. Efficiency. Templates speed up the creation of new notes or documents.
  3. It Saves you from having to make decisions.

What you should include in your Logseq literature template

I mention this in my Introduction to Zettelkasten system article (Insert link). “At a minimum, a Literature note should create bibliographical information on the source material, such as the title, author/content creator and source. It should also link to the permanent notes made from the literature note.”

As a minimum, I recommend that your template capture the following.

  • Author/content creator
  • Source type
  • Links to online sources
  • Date created/published
  • Section to list links to your permanent notes

How to set up a Literature note template in Logseq

In this section, I will take you through the steps to create a new template in Logseq.

  1. Go to your template note
  2. At the top level, give the template a title.
  3. Indent the tab to create a sub-level
  4. Create the parameters you want to reuse
  5. Right-click the top-level bullet point
  6. Select the template from the menu
  7. Give the template a name

How to use your Literature note template in Logseq

To insert a template into a note, bring up the command menu with the ‘/’ character on your keyboard and select a template from the menu. A list of the templates you have created will appear. Choose the template you want to use from the menu.

Literature Note Template in Logseq


After reading this guide, you should understand the benefits of setting up a literature template in Logseq, how to create a literature note in a template and how you can use the literature note template in Logseq. You can learn more about Logseq templates in our guide to Logseq templates.

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