This guide will show you how to create and run a banking business in Capitalism Lab. I will walk you through the process of setting up a bank. We will also look at some of the things you need to consider when developing the strategy for your bank.
To create and run the bank in Capitalism Lab, you need to have the baking and finance DLC.
Starting a banking company in Capitalism Lab
When starting a banking business within your corporation, you need to create a bank headquarters. Once you have built your headquarters, you will be able to build banks that attract and provide services to retail customers simulated by the game.
Strategy for running a bank in Capitalism Lab
Before we look at strategy, we need to consider how Capitalism Lab treats finances within banks. Money deposited in your bank is deemed as debt as the money has been lent to your bank. In contrast, the money lent to your customers is an asset. The game has rules on how many assets you can have when compared to debt. Several settings can impact these. I took a look at a number of these settings in my introduction to the banking & finance DLC guide.
Profit from your bank is the interest received from loans – the amount you pay to savers as interest.
Loans are categorised into five bands, with AA being the safest and C being the riskiest, with a higher chance of never being paid. You can change the number of loans your bank will take from each band as a ratio of your total number of loans. Do you play safe and concentrate on the lower risk lenders or aim for more significant profits by lending more to those with poor credit scores?

When I play Capitalism Lab, I don’t usually start playing as a banking company. While writing this guide, I decided to start a game as a bank, and I have to admit it. I found it challenging to keep the ratio between loans and deposits right. I continuously had to invest more money into the bank, putting a real strain on my corporation. This guide should be enough to get you started.