Are Twitter blue ticks now worthless

Twitter has now started rolling out the opportunity for Twitter users to pay for the pleasure of having a Blue Tick.

The Twitter blue tick next to the user name of a high-profile person to authenticate that it is the genuine account for that person. Many users of Twitter use the blue tick to verify the source. BBC News

That verification ability will likely be a casualty of the ability to get a Bluetick as part of the Premium Twitter blue service. The premium Twitter blue service will cost $7.99 (£7).

Now that anyone can have a blue tick, does that mean that Twitter can no longer be regarded as an authentic source of information? If so, does that make those blue ticks are now worthless?

Is having a Twitter bluetick now worthless?

Twitter has already announced that any accounts parodying other user accounts will have their Twitter accounts suspended. Something that the Bluetick scheme helped to police. Appearing to be clear evidence that short-term profit-taking will destroy the authenticity of the Twitter bluetick system and the Twitter platform itself. The Guardian

I recently wrote an article on how the media helped me to come to terms with the death of her majesty the Queen and the ascension to the throne of her son King Charles III. Twitter, along with BBC news, became a reliable source of information not just from those I follow but from others, including those who have a different political opinion from my own. This trust was at least in part due to the Twitter bluetick.


Until this weekend, Twitter was my Social media platform of choice, and I’m not sure that is no longer the case. I would love to know what you think.

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