I have been using HDHomeRun with my Plex media server for about six months. After writing a guide on setting up a Plex media server. I thought it would be helpful to my readers to write a review of the TV Tuner I’m currently using.
What is HD Homerun?
HDHomerun is a TV tuner that can receive and decode digital over-the-air tv channels such as Freeview in the UK. The HD Homerun is available with either two or four tv tuners. The unit I’m reviewing has four tuners.
The HDHomeRun connects to your computer network via an ethernet cable. SiliconDust, which manufactures the HDHomerun, provides free software to watch television on many different devices, including Windows computers, Android devices, Apple Ios, Amazon fire TV boxes, and even Some smart TVs. The software includes a DVR (Digital Video Recorder), but a monthly subscription is required.

The HD Homerun is compatible with media servers such as Plex or Emby. These media servers can be used as a DVR, but you do need a subscription.
How I use HD Homerun
I use my HD Homerun tuner with a Plex media server, which allows me to stream live television to multiple devices across my local network. These same devices can schedule the programs I wish to record. Programs that I have recorded with Plex can also be streamed across the network.
Picture quality was excellent on all devices, which I have streamed both live and recorded television to over my network.

At the time of writing, the price of the HD Homerun device is available is about the same price as a standalone DVR system. If the purchase cost were the only cost you needed to consider, I would give the HDHomerun a five-star rating.
For those of you who don’t currently have a Plex or Emby subscription, I find it hard to recommend the HD Homerun as you can buy a standalone DVR for a similar price which doesn’t require a subscription. If you are still considering purchasing the HDHomeRun. I would recommend that you research Plex or Emby media player before you decide. Why don’t you start by reading our Plex review.