A Quick Guide For Switching On And Off Plexamp Lyrics

A guide on how to switch on and off lyrics in Plexamp. We start with the two-step process of turning on the lyrics.

  1. Click on artist or track.
  2. Click show lyrics. If show lyrics aren’t displayed, then none are unfortunately available.

While Plexamp will automatically switch off lyrics at the end of each track, lyrics can be switched off manually following this simple two-step process.

  1. Click on artist or track.
  2. Click on hide lyrics.

Lyrics might not be available due to an issue with the song metadata. Our articles on organising your media for Plex or our guide on fixing Plex metadata could resolve these issues.

I hope you found this guide useful. If so, could I recommend our guide to turning off lyrics in Plex.

3 thoughts on “A Quick Guide For Switching On And Off Plexamp Lyrics”

  1. Is there any way to set it so it shows lyrics automatically? (I saw in another post that it’s possible there’s a cost involved in downloaded lyrics… so maybe just for “local” lyrics?) I’m willing to go through the effort to collect all the lyrics in files for all the songs in my library if there’s a way to have them show automatically. I definitely prefer to have lyrics whenever possible (I’m also a “subtitles always on” kinda person).

    1. Hi Vaesse

      I have taken a look at both Plexamp and Plex on my Windows PC, and I can’t see any way to get the lyrics to display by default.

      I didn’t know that you could add local lyrics until reading your comment. So I did some research of my own and took a look. I have read the adding local lyrics on the Plex support page https://support.plex.tv/articles/215916117-adding-local-lyrics/. I think it is a mechanism to allow you to add lyrics to your Plex library if Plex cannot source the lyrics automatically.

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