A celebration for CTNET beginners guide to the Internet series

I have been writing and publishing a new beginners guide related to the Internet since the series was launched. With my beginners guide to the Internet article. Which was published on 17 May 2021. Today this article marks the end of my run of publishing the beginner guide to the Internet series every Monday. I will still be working towards my goal of making computers and technology accessible to all.

Why I started a series of beginner guides to the Internet

In early May I published an article on how many UK homes are offline. Based on a report published by Ofcom the regulator for telecommunications and the Internet here in the UK. One of the things that shook me while I was writing the article. Is that according to Ofcom research many of those who didn’t have home access to the Internet. Stated that it due to them not knowing how to use the Internet.

What I hope this series of articles will do?

It wasn’t lost to me at the time while writing the original beginner guide to the Internet article. That I was going to be publishing a series of web articles for Internet beginners on a media that they wouldn’t necessarily be able to access.

I hope that the guides will still prove useful to some of our readers who need support on a specific section of the Internet. I would like to think that the guides I have written over the last few weeks will provide the foundations for future content.

The future of our beginner guides to the Internet

My next step will be to create a new page on this site. Which I’m planning to do by the end of July. The new page will contain our full list of beginner articles related to the Internet. I will list the pages in the order in which I would recommend a beginner to read them.

Future articles and guides that I write which would be useful to Internet beginners will be added to this page going forward.

I’m also going to explore the opportunity to develop these guides and distribute them using other media. Both online and offline. I will keep you updated as opportunities are identified and delivered to our community.

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